The Inferno

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Book Code: 1111011428574

Dante Alighieri

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Inferno, the first part of Dante Alighieri's epic poem Divine Comedy, follows the protagonist Dante on his allegorical journey through Hell. Guided by the spirit of the ancient poet Virgil, Dante explores the nine circles of torment within the Earth, where sinners face the consequences of their actions. The poem vividly portrays the punishments that await those who rejected spiritual values, committed violence, or engaged in deceit and ill will towards others. As a powerful allegory, the Divine Comedy symbolizes the soul's quest for God, with Inferno representing the recognition and rejection of sin. With its rich and vivid imagery, Inferno is a masterpiece of Italian literature.


Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) was an Italian poet, writer, and philosopher. His Divine Comedy, originally called Comedìa, is considered one of the most important poems of the Middle Ages and a masterpiece of Italian literature. Dante wrote in the vernacular Italian, making his work accessible to a broader audience and significantly influencing the development of the Italian language. His portrayal of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven in the Divine Comedy inspired Western art and literature. Dante's love for Beatrice Portinari, depicted in The New Life, influenced his early poetry.


Canto I .......................................................................................... 7
Canto II ....................................................................................... 11
Canto III ..................................................................................... 16
Canto IV ..................................................................................... 20
Canto V ...................................................................................... 25
Canto VI ..................................................................................... 30
Canto VII .................................................................................... 34
Canto VIII .................................................................................. 38
Canto IX ..................................................................................... 42
Canto X ....................................................................................... 46
Canto XI ..................................................................................... 51
Canto XII .................................................................................... 54
Canto XIII ................................................................................... 59
Canto XIV .................................................................................. 64
Canto XV .................................................................................... 69
Canto XVI .................................................................................. 73
Canto XVII ................................................................................. 77
Canto XVIII ................................................................................ 81
Canto XIX ................................................................................... 86
Canto XX .................................................................................... 90
Canto XXI ................................................................................... 94
Canto XXII ................................................................................. 99
Canto XXIII .............................................................................. 104
Canto XXIV .............................................................................. 108
Canto XXV ............................................................................... 113
Canto XXVI .............................................................................. 118
Canto XXVII ............................................................................ 123
Canto XXVIII ........................................................................... 127
Canto XXIX .............................................................................. 131
Canto XXX ............................................................................... 136
Canto XXXI .............................................................................. 141
Canto XXXII ............................................................................. 145
Canto XXXIII ........................................................................... 150
Canto XXXIV ........................................................................... 155

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